11. A tiny smile…

Today’s Prompt

11. A tiny smile played on her face as she promised herself …

400 Creative Writing Prompts Workbook Story Prompts for Journaling, Blogging, and Overcoming Writer’s Block Compiled by Debra Chapoton All rights reserved Copyright © 2020 by Debra Chapoton


The foot flew past Jenny’s nose, just missing it. She’d leaned back just far enough for it to swish through the air but stayed close enough to feel that air move with the passage of the foot. The minimal move on her part left her stable and ready for what came next while Kyle’s wild kick aimed at her face left him unbalanced and overextended. It would have been a simple matter to step forward and thrust her open palm into his abdomen, causing him to fall backward out of the sparring ring and effectively end the match.

But where would the fun be in that?

Instead, Jenny wobbled backward away from Kyle as if his kick had taken her by surprise and she’d just luckily managed to avoid it while stumbling out of the way of it. He straightened himself back to full height and began stalking forward, presumably hoping his sheer size would intimidate her into backing across the ring.

Jenny sidestepped instead, almost stepping up next to him before lashing out with her own kick. Hers landed, center mass of his chest. While he barely seemed to notice, Jenny certainly noticed the quiet in the arena and the apparent attention fixed on her.

A tiny smile played on her face as she promised herself to enjoy this lopsided sparring match as long as she could get away with playing with him. As he wasn’t deigning to respond to her half-hearted kicks, she upped the ante a bit and as he spun around to try flailing a kick at her again, she lashed out with a lightning-quick fist strike to the inside (fleshy part) of his thigh.

There was a certain amount of satisfaction as he went down to the mat grasping his thigh and staring at her with a wide-eyed look of pain and confusion.

He’s not entirely sure how I did that; it was too fast for him to follow.

Jenny backed up a couple steps and just stood there watching him as he slowly rose from the mat. After the referee began the match again, Kyle approached much more circumspect, palms up as if to emphasize that he wasn’t really a threat to her.

Normally, Jenny would have dispatched the misogynistic jerk with a decisive blow in the first moments of the match, but this guy had earned her ire by sneering at her as they were put together by sensei. His clearly visible disdain at being paired with a quite petite female visiting the class not only demonstrated his ignorance but also disrespected his sensei who had chosen the pairing. And so for that sensei and for her own amusement, Jenny decided to slow things down and give this Kyle a little education. With her fists.

To see tomorrow’s prompt, purchase:

400 Creative Writing Prompts Workbook Story Prompts for Journaling, Blogging, and Overcoming Writer’s Block Compiled by Debra Chapoton All rights reserved Copyright © 2020 by Debra Chapoton


12. The rebound from the adrenaline…


10. Two hands thrown expressively…