18. Off to one side…

Today’s Prompt

18. Off to one side, a row of harsh, fanglike rocks interrupted a series of low, green hills.

400 Creative Writing Prompts Workbook Story Prompts for Journaling, Blogging, and Overcoming Writer’s Block Compiled by Debra Chapoton All rights reserved Copyright © 2020 by Debra Chapoton


After the moment of stunned silence passed, Samira turned back to contemplate the massive door. “Do you think it might be a test of some sort? To see how we’d react. I can only assume they have us under observation of some sort.”

“That’s a generous interpretation, highness,” Eldemere responded, frowning at the door himself. “Could be they are simply rude and uninterested.”

“Even if that were true, I can’t imagine there not being a certain amount of curiosity, at the very least. I will try again.”

Samira stepped up to the massive door and before her raised fist could come down upon it, it swung toward her, forcing her to flutter backward so as not to be hit.

The same surly dwarf emerged.

“I told you, no. You canna have an audience with the king,” his face showed mild irritation this time, his eyes crinkling slightly at the corner.

“Good sir,” Samira began again, “may I have the pleasure of your name?”

“My name?” The dwarf seemed taken aback she’d asked, like it was the last thing he expected.

“Yes, with whom am I speaking?”

“Gibli, Gibli’s my name,” he said it almost softly.

“Master Gibli, I’m glad to meet you. I am Samira and this is my second Eldemere. If I may ask you another question: what is your responsibility as keeper of this door?”

“My ‘responsibility’?”

“Yes, what’s your function, your primary instruction, or standing orders as it were. As we arrived rather quickly through flight and approached the door without delay, I’m assuming you did not have time to consult with others about how to respond to our inquiry and thus were following your standard protocol in denying us entry. Is that correct?”

“Well, yeah, my job is to make sure nothing threatens the door nor to allow anyone in under any circumstances,” Gibli answered, not with pride or boast but in a tone that indicated he felt that job simplistic, perhaps beneath him.

“Master Gibli, I respect your position and appreciate you doing your duty as instructed. Do those instructions perhaps include the reporting to others anything that happens during your watch of the door?”

“I do make a report to my commanding officer at the end of my watch,” Gibli said, now sounding more suspicious at this line of questioning.

“And when is that?” Samira asked simply.

“When is what?” Gibli asked, caught off guard by the simple question.

“The end of your current watch,” Samira replied patiently.

“Oh. In six hours or so,” Gibli answered.

Eldermere looked at Samira, skepticism at the benefit of this conversation clear on his face.

Samira smiled and tried a slightly different tack.

“Are there any circumstances, Master Gibli, under which your instructions direct you to report something at the door to your commanding officer immediately?”

“Well, I suppose if there was an attack at the door I’d run for the commander.”

“Of course, very sensible, Master Gibli.” To which Gibli straightened a little, pulling down the front of his rather ragged tunic. “Might I suggest that the visit of royalty requesting an audience might also warrant an immediate notification of your superior?”

“Huh?” Gibli was lost again.

“She means you should go tell someone we’re here!” Eldemere’s patience at an end. “It’s a rather big deal when a queen knocks on your door and your commander will want to know about it.”

“Oh. I suppose that might be true. Wait here.” And Gibli once again closed the door in their faces and left them standing alone.

“Really?” Eldemere muttered in exasperation. “As first impressions go, he is not who I would station at a port of entry.”

“Oh, come now old friend. He seems harmless enough, just a tad simple.”

Looking around, Samira saw that off to one side, a row of harsh, fanglike rocks interrupted a series of low, green hills. Let’s alight over there to wait, perhaps one of the rock features will provide seating. This might take a bit of time presuming that Master Gibli’s superior will want advice as to how to proceed.

To see tomorrow’s prompt, purchase:

400 Creative Writing Prompts Workbook Story Prompts for Journaling, Blogging, and Overcoming Writer’s Block Compiled by Debra Chapoton All rights reserved Copyright © 2020 by Debra Chapoton


19. He spread his elaborate wings…


17. The dwarf was missing…