21. The typical trespasser…

Today’s Prompt

21. The typical trespasser would be immediately turned to dandelion fluff. It had happened before.

400 Creative Writing Prompts Workbook Story Prompts for Journaling, Blogging, and Overcoming Writer’s Block Compiled by Debra Chapoton All rights reserved Copyright © 2020 by Debra Chapoton


Samira let the winds of memory take her back, back to when she was but a girl, so many years ago.

“You can’t go in there, Samira!”

“Are you going to stop me?” The little Samira, second princess of the fae court, stamped her foot and shoved her lower lip out at her older sister.

“No,” said Reina, elder princess and heir to the throne. “I won’t need to stop you. The security measures will do that for me.”

“Sec- Sec-oo-tee… what? What is that?” Samira furrowed her brow. She didn’t like not knowing words and the chance to expand her vocabulary distracted her from single minded obsession with getting through the door of a moment ago.

“Security,” Reina repeated the word slowly, “means keeping things safe. And that door has several security protections.”

“Like what?” Samira asked.

“Well, first, you wouldn’t even be in this hallway except you’re of the royal family.”

Samira’s eyes widened as her imagination blossomed with any number of horrible outcomes for someone not of the Blood attempting to get to where she stood.

“The guards outside keep anyone who shouldn’t be in here out. You already know about them.”

“Of course,” Samira nodded, sagely acknowledging that she knew many things already even though she was so young.

“But once inside this hall, then you must know how to bypass the magical defenses or bad things would happen to you.”

“What does ‘bypass’ mean?” Samira jumped on another unfamiliar word.

Reina, a slight smile on her face, replied, “Bypass means to get through or get around successfully. So to ‘bypass security’ means to successfully get through protections to the restricted place you want to go.”

“Show me how to bypass the sec-oority here!” Samira demanded, still tripping slightly on the word security.

“I’m sorry but I cannot,” Reina said, frowning to show her sympathy for her little sister’s frustration.

“Why not?” Samira asked, earning a slight nod of approval from Reina for asking the proper question and not either complaining or demanding further.

“Because even I don’t know how,” Reina admitted.

“What?!” The concept that there was something Reina didn’t know was completely alien to Samira.

“I do know what happens if you try, though.”

“What?” Samira said, her tone changing from utter incredulity to excitement in an instant.

Looking around, as if to make sure they were alone, and leaning down to Samira’s height, Reina put her hand by her mouth and very quietly said, “The typical trespasser would be immediately turned to dandelion fluff. I’ve heard that it has happened before.”

Samira gasped and took an involuntary step away from the door she’d been so curious about just a few minutes prior. Then just as fast, she squinted her eyes and stared at the overly innocent face of her big sister.

“Is that true?” Samira demanded.

“Nope!” Reina admitted, a huge grin spreading across her face.

“REINA!!” Samira shrieked, throwing herself at her sister who caught her up, swung her around, and had her pique dissolved into giggles in moments, as only Reina could manage with the temperamental little second princess.

To see tomorrow’s prompt, purchase:

400 Creative Writing Prompts Workbook Story Prompts for Journaling, Blogging, and Overcoming Writer’s Block Compiled by Debra Chapoton All rights reserved Copyright © 2020 by Debra Chapoton


20. He stirred up miniature…