TGF#011 Middle-Earth: LotR Fellowship and Two Towers Live Origin Stories and Rewatch Reactions

Breaking normal format, the Two Guys take advantage of a weekend in which they can watch movies together for 7 hours! Rather than watching four movies, like normal people, we two geeks decided to only watch two: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, both Extended Editions!

We brought along our recording equipment (to Jeremy’s living room!) and recorded (live in the moment!) before, in between, and after watching. We begin with our origin stories and then react to rewatching these two classic epic fantasy stories.

On this Black Friday we approach the Black Gates of Mordor. Next week, we will run our previously announced Teen Titans Go episode. And speaking of Teen Titans Go…

WHEEL OF RANDOM EPISODE SELECTION: Teen Titans Go! Season 4, Episodes 21-25

If you have a Max subscription you can click here or the image.

HOWEVER - we recently discovered that if you go to Hulu to watch TTG, then the episodes are listed as they aired (combining two of the 10 minute ‘episodes’ as they’re listed in Max) and not in the same order as Max, so we thought we’d list the titles of the episodes we watched just to be clear if you’d like to watch the same thing as us. So, for our episode we specifically watched the segments titled:

  • Orangins

  • Jinxed

  • Brain Percentages

  • BL4Z3

  • Hot Salad Water

We hope you’ll be able to watch these episodes to join us in our conversation about them. If you’d like to be a part of the show, send us a voice memo commenting on either these episodes in particular or this franchise in general by emailing the recording to


TGF#012 DC: Origin Stories and Teen Titans Go! S4E20-25


TGF#010 Special Announcement! The Lord of the Rings is nigh!