What is this?

  • TGF is the audio podcast my friend Jeremy and I are creating to share our love for science fiction, fantasy, superhero, and other nerdy franchises.

  • Pretty much anything we want! Hey, it’s our show. In general when we refer to a franchise we mean any chunk of intellectual property that appeals to our geek hearts. In particular episodes we’ll be slicing and dicing that IP in ways that make sense for us: for our knowledge and love of it as well as what will work for the show. Click here to see our current master list of franchises and feel free to send us a message of any we missed!

  • We cannot answer that question emphatically enough: HECK NO! We are two guys but know that fellow nerds come in all shapes, sizes, genders, sexualities, pronouns, political perspectives, you name anything that might divide humans and there are probably geeks on both sides. We welcome everybody to the big tent of fandom and hope you will feel welcome in this place.


TGF #001 Trailer