7.She looked him up…

Today’s Prompt

7. She looked him up and down with naked disgust.

400 Creative Writing Prompts Workbook Story Prompts for Journaling, Blogging, and Overcoming Writer’s Block Compiled by Debra Chapoton All rights reserved Copyright © 2020 by Debra Chapoton


Sometimes I hate this job. Oh, who am I kidding, most times I hate this job. But this, this right here, is so often the reason.

“Who the fuck do you think you are, man? Look at me? I am hot as fuck. Any guy in there would be begging to fuck me, so what the fuck, fuckhead?” She looked me up and down with naked disgust on her face for my obstinate refusal to let her in the door.

While growing less and less impactful with its incessant repetition, I had to admit that the girl knew a lot of different ways to use the word ‘fuck.’

“Miss, I’m going to have to ask you to either wait in line patiently, like everyone else, or leave. Admission to the club is one of my responsibilities and while I fully acknowledge that you are, how did you put it “hot as fuck”? I cannot allow you to enter until someone else leaves. My employer takes seriously the limitations placed on the club by the fire department regarding number of people permissible in the space and therefore limits entry to a first-come first-serve basis.”

She rocked back a bit on her ridiculously high stiletto heels, probably due to not expecting someone who looks like me (stereotypical bouncer type: just over 6 feet tall, broad of chest, muscular from obvious lifting, etc.) to sound like that (I get that a lot). And it took her a moment to parse what I’d actually said. It was a speech I gave so regularly that I could spit it out like rap lyrics at this point.  Sometimes those who demanded it, especially those who’d already begun their partying earlier in the evening, had a time figuring it out. That was partially by design; those who were thinking hard about something tended to lose some of their pissed-off edge.

The result of her moment of cogitation: “What?”

After an internal sigh, I decided to try a different approach.

To see tomorrow’s prompt, purchase:

400 Creative Writing Prompts Workbook Story Prompts for Journaling, Blogging, and Overcoming Writer’s Block Compiled by Debra Chapoton All rights reserved Copyright © 2020 by Debra Chapoton


8. A rippling glare…


6. They said a storm…